reposurgeon 1.7 is out. Fewer obvious changes this time; the big feature is that it knows how to read and use the CVS revision maps generated by the -R option of git-cvsimport. This means that it can patch CVS revision references into an action-stamp form that makes sense in a VCS-independent way. Fear the reposturgeon!
Category: New on my website
Announcements of new software releases and writings.
Son of the reposturgeon!
Somebody said “Release early, release often.” once…and, just a day after reposurgeon 1.5, reposurgeon 1.6 is out, with a bug fix and a tasty new feature.
Names and consequences abruptly changed its name to a couple of days ago. As a consequence, the little program I wrote to submit release announcements to it is now renamed freecode-submit. People who ship releases frequently enough to find freecode-submit essential might also want to look at shipper, which I wrote to automate other aspects of… Continue reading Names and consequences
Revenge of the reposturgeon!
Reposurgeon 1.5 is out. This is a major release based on experience gained converting the roundup repository.
A DVCS migration howto
This is a consequence of my recent adventures in repository conversion – a detailed discussion of how to do a high-quality lift of a CVS or Subversion repo to DVCS-land, how to make both git and hg users happy, and what sorts of good practices to teach to keep things tidy.
Bride of the reposturgeon!
Another big repository conversion – the Hercules project – brings with it some new bug fixes and features, so reposurgeon 1.3 has shipped.
…but GPSD will survive!
Four days after I got the word that Berlios is dying, I have saved GPSD from being pulled under as it sinks. A couple of observations on the project migration follow.
Off with their header files!
I released a new software tool today. The surprise about this one is that it turns out to be consistently more useful than I expected. And thereby hangs a tale.
If RCS can stand it, why can’t your system?
I’ve written software for a lot of different reasons besides pure utility in the past. Sometimes I’ve been making an aesthetic statement, sometimes I’ve hacked to perpetuate a tribal in-joke, and at least once I have written a substantial piece of code exactly because the domain experts solemnly swore that job was impossible to automate… Continue reading If RCS can stand it, why can’t your system?
Announcing reposurgeon – a tool for the good new days
I’ve been mostly blog-silent for the last week because I’ve been working my tail off on a new project. It’s reposurgeon, a tool for performing surgery on repository histories, and there are several interesting things to note about it.
Commands and Colors: Ancients
I’ve put a new page up on my website about the excellent Commands & Colors: Ancients game. It’s just couple of variant rules and some scenario results now, but may grow in the future.
HOWTO updates
I’ve just upgraded to Fedora Core 5. As a consequence, I’ve updated the following HOWTOs Fedora Core on Thinkpad X40 HOWTO Fedora Multimedia Installation HOWTO
“How To Become A Hacker” updated
Just a minor edit. Correcting some translation URLs and removing C# from the bad-languages shitlist now that Mono has made it portable. Read it here.
“How To Become A Hacker” updated.
I’ve added a pointer to Peter Norvig’s excellent essay “Teach Yourself Programming In Ten Years”. The HOWTO itself is here.
The Halloween Documents are available again
For all those who have been asking, the Halloween Documents are available on my website.