Bad porn reprise

Many people wrote me with comments on my essay Why Does Porn Got To Hurt So Bad?. For all of those who sent praise, thank you. It’s actually nice to know there are so many people who would like to reject the bad-porn aesthetic. For all of those who refrained from calling down fire and… Continue reading Bad porn reprise

Categorized as Sex

Why does porn got to hurt so bad?

A couple days ago I chased a link over to unablogger and found myself unexpectedly confronted by pictures of naked women. This picture, in particular. And I noticed something unusual — which was that I liked it. Don’t get me wrong, here. I’m a functioning heterosexual male; I enjoy looking at naked women. It’s most… Continue reading Why does porn got to hurt so bad?

Categorized as Sex

We are all Jews now

This afternoon I was reading a quote from a woman who had left a comment on Tim Blair’s weblog. She wrote: rld, I feel it’s my duty as a woman to wear clingier clothing, flirt more outrageously, have more orgasms, and get on top more often. In short, anything that’s taboo to the islamofascists.” Boo-yah,… Continue reading We are all Jews now

Categorized as Terror

Arm the Passengers

The recent controversy over arming airline pilots against a possible repetition of the 9/11 atrocity misses a crucial problem that makes arming pilots relatively ineffective: terrorists would know in advance where the guns are, and be able to game against that. Let’s say you are a terrorist executing a hijacking. You know the pilots are… Continue reading Arm the Passengers

Categorized as Terror

Teen Sex vs. Adult Resentment

A wise and cynical friend of mine once described the motivation behind puritanism as “the fear that someone might be fucking and getting away with it”. I think the subtext of the periodic public panics about teen sex has always been resentment that sexy young things just might be getting away with it — enjoying… Continue reading Teen Sex vs. Adult Resentment

Categorized as Sex

Arm and Assimilate

A current Weekly Standard article, Crime Without Punishment, observes that European crime rates are soaring to levels that match or exceed the U.S.’s even while U.S crime rates decline for the tenth consecutive year. Schadenfreude is not a pretty emotion, but it’s hard not to feel a twinge of it after so many years of… Continue reading Arm and Assimilate

Categorized as Firearms

Women With Guns

James Rummel asks why men keep teaching women to shoot, despite the fact that they tend to outdo us at this manly pursuit. As a man who makes something of a hobby of teaching woman to shoot, I can answer in two ways: One: Women need to learn to shoot more than men do. Men… Continue reading Women With Guns

Categorized as Firearms

Sexual Competence

Most of the participants in the recent blogospheric mini-flap about a Yale Press Daily article on the fine points of fellatio either make crude jokes, dismiss the article as either a sophomoric exercise in tweak-the-fogies or shocking evidence of the depravity of today’s youth. I think both are missing the real point. Well, OK, the… Continue reading Sexual Competence

Categorized as Sex

Socialists to the Stars

Science fiction, because it deals in extrapolated futures, has a long tradition of employment as a vehicle for political argument. More than that, science fiction encourages politically-minded writers to narratize their beliefs in ways that can sometime reveal more than the writers intended about the problems and contradictions in their own theories. I was powerfully… Continue reading Socialists to the Stars

Foo on you, Asparagirl!

Asparagirl has committed a base calumny against me. While it’s true she had something to do with me entering the blogosphere, this business about threatening her with a Glock is totally off-base. I would never do anything like that. My carry weapon is a Colt Officer’s Model 45 ACP. It’s my wife who carries the… Continue reading Foo on you, Asparagirl!

Categorized as Firearms

Terrorism Becomes Bad Art

Minnesota art student Luke Helder has been charged with the recent string of Midwestern mailbox bombings. There doesn’t seem to be much doubt that he’s the perpetrator. An art student. Yeah. That fits; the tone of the portentious twaddle in pipe-bomb-boy’s manifesto was exactly that of the artist manque, big ideas being handled stupidly by… Continue reading Terrorism Becomes Bad Art

Categorized as Culture

Firearms and the dominant media culture

A recent flurry of nearly identical editorials in American newspapers conveys the degree of fluttering endemic in dovecotes everywhere in the wake of the Justice Department’s new statement of position on the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The New York Times and Washington Post have viewed with alarm, displaying an almost pathetic degree of… Continue reading Firearms and the dominant media culture

Categorized as Firearms

Acting White

Eugene Volokh comments that many of the leading promoters of racial identity politics in the U.S. have begun to lump Asians in with white people, but declines to attempt an interpretation. Actually this development is very easy to understand. All you need to break the code is to know that “white” = “assimilated”. Asians tend… Continue reading Acting White

Categorized as Culture


Welcome to Armed And Dangerous, an experiment in weblogging. This is a test. This is only a test. If this had been an actual emergency, this post would be immediately followed by a pointer to some old-media channel that would tell you what to think.

Categorized as General