What a responsible American Left would look like

The congressional Democrats have made Nancy Pelosi their leader. Whether or not this is conscious strategy, it means they’re going to run to the left. And very likely get slaughtered in 2004. It’s truly odd how self-destructive the American Left has become. They’re like that famous line about the Palestinians, never missing an opportunity to… Continue reading What a responsible American Left would look like

Categorized as Politics

Conspiracy and prospiracy

One of the problems we face in the war against terror is that al-Qaeda is not quite a conspiracy in the traditional sense. It’s something else that is more difficult to characterize and target. (I wrote what follows three years before 9/11.) Political and occult conspiracy theories can make for good propaganda and excellent satire… Continue reading Conspiracy and prospiracy

Categorized as Terror

The Charms and Terrors of Military SF

I took some heat recently for describing some of Jerry Pournelle’s SF as “conservative/militarist power fantasies”. Pournelle uttered a rather sniffy comment about this on his blog; the only substance I could extract from it was that Pournelle thought his lifelong friend Robert Heinlein was caught between a developing libertarian philosophy and his patriotic instincts.… Continue reading The Charms and Terrors of Military SF

My Very First Fisk

Ta-daa! In ritual obeisance to the customs of the blogosphere, I now perform my very first fisking. Of Der Fisk himself, in his 8 Nov 2002 column “Bush fights for another clean shot in his war”. “A clean shot” was The Washington Post’s revolting description of the murder of the al-Qa’ida leaders in Yemen by… Continue reading My Very First Fisk

Categorized as Terror

Post-postmodern politics

The Democratic Party fell off a cliff last night. Never mind their shiny new governorships — the `smart’ money pre-election was on them picking up an absolute majority of governor’s seats, and at the Congressional level they took a shellacking nearly as bad as 1994’s. The races Terry McAuliffe targeted as most critical — notably… Continue reading Post-postmodern politics

Categorized as Culture

That bad old-time religion

It’s official. The anti-war movement is a Communist front. No, I’m not kidding — go read the story. Investigative reporter David Corn digs into last Saturday’s D.C. antiwar rally and finds it was covertly masterminded by a Communist Party splinter originally founded in support of the 1956 Soviet invasion of Hungary. For good later, he… Continue reading That bad old-time religion

Categorized as Politics

Armed children

The Bear of Considerable Brain, writes: “This does not mean every man, woman and child should roam the streets packing heat, much as some of my more rabid hoplophile colleagues in the Blogosphere might enjoy the sight.” N.Z. was probably thinking of me as one of his “rabid hoplophile colleagues.”; I’d be rather disappointed if… Continue reading Armed children

Categorized as Firearms

Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 5)

Changes are deliberately not marked. Read the whole thing, this is a final pre-publication draft. Most of the changes from version 4 are deletions of excess verbiage. Counting email, this now reflects approximately 200 comments from across the blogosphere. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. Since this process has to close sometime, I’m declaring that… Continue reading Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 5)

Categorized as Terror

A request to web artists

I am planning on publishing the Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto soon, via petitiononline.com and possibly other channels. My hope is that enough bloggers will sign it and talk about it to get the position it describes some notice in the more blog-friendly of the mainstream media. Towards this end, I’m seeking volunteers to design a web button… Continue reading A request to web artists

Categorized as Terror

Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 1)

WHEREAS, the year since the terrible events of 9/11 has exposed the vacuity and moral confusion of all too many of the thinkers, politicians, and activists operating within conventional political categories; WHEREAS, the Left has failed us by succumbing to reflexive anti-Americanism; by apologizing for terrorist acts; by propounding squalid theories of moral equivalence; and… Continue reading Draft for an Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (version 1)

Categorized as Terror


I just sent the following letter to the Boston Globe after reading Elaine Scarry’s excellent piece Failsafe!: Congratulations on having the bravery to publish Elaine Scarry’s “Failsafe”. She is right to point out that distributed threats require distributed countermeasures. She is right to point out that centralized defense of the U.S. massively failed us. She… Continue reading Failsafe

Categorized as Terror

Imperialists by necessity?

Steven den Beste wrote a long, intelligent and insightful essay on who the enemy is. I think he is right to see Afghanistan, Iraq, and the suppression of Al-Qaeda as phases of longer, wider war — a clash of civilizations driven by the failure of Islamic/Arab culture (though I would stress the problem of the… Continue reading Imperialists by necessity?

Categorized as Terror