This is a pre-announcement of the second third Friends of Armed & Dangerous party.
FOAD 2014 will be held at Penguicon 2014, in Southfield, MI, almost certainly on the evening of Saturday May 3rd (but we don’t have a confirmed party-floor booking yet).
I believe John Bell is planning to run a Geeks with Guns the Friday before, so come equipped. Yes, personal weapons are considered an article of proper attire for the FOAD party – especially firearms or swords.
More details as they become available.
Firearms or swords? Surely they’re not mutually exclusive.
> This is a pre-announcement of the second Friends of Armed & Dangerous party.
With all due respect, I believe it will be the third FOAD party.
> I believe John Bell is planning to run a Geeks with Guns the Friday before, so come equipped.
I am indeed. Everyone who has never corresponded with“ before should clicky-clicky on the link so that I have your email address. Very shortly, I will be sending out an announcement and a survey about who is bringing what, and where we want to shoot. Even if you aren’t sure that you will be able to attend, please email me; I will hold your address in confidence unless you explicitly permit me to share it.
> Yes, personal weapons are considered an article of proper attire for the FOAD party – especially firearms or swords.
Ahem. Quoting the Penguicon Code of Conduct:
I am not going to tattle on anyone; I believe we’re all responsible adults here. Nevertheless, if you are going to have weapons, do not brandish them in public. Just sayin’….
>the above items pertain to public display and costumes
As John said, be safe, sane, and discreet. Continuously.
/me ducks
@Jay “Firearms or swords? Surely they’re not mutually exclusive.”
I would assert that they are mutually exclusive, unless you are additionally equipped with an eye-patch, parrot, or peg leg.
Is “FOAD” a deliberately overloaded acronym?
>Is “FOAD” a deliberately overloaded acronym?
No. But I do find it amusing after the fact.
Is “FOAD” a deliberately overloaded acronym?
Yeah, I read that differently too.
Quite frankly, a Fuck Off And Die party sounds pretty hardcore to me…definitely go to it armed ;)
“Firearms or swords? Surely they’re not mutually exclusive.”
Inclusive OR Jay…firearms || swords…and if you bring a firearm, swords will not be evaluated.
As for the more common expansion of FOAD, I suspect Ted Nugent would be able to do something appropriate with that that would fit the theme.
As John said, be safe, sane, and discreet. Continuously.
To quote English Bob:
“I’ve got a peacemaker but that wouldn’t worry you, would it. I mean if you don’t see it, or more particularly, if you don’t hear it”
Shouldn’t it be “FOAAD” or “FAD”? Either “and” and “of” are both worthy of initialization or neither is. (Of course, it wouldn’t be overloaded with the other FOAD, and how would you pronounce it? Foh-a’ad?)
I’m going to be at penguicon, and want to go to both the party and the shoot. I don’t own guns and have never been shooting before. Am I welcome?
>I don’t own guns and have never been shooting before. Am I welcome?
Yes; in fact the event is intended for people like you. The experienced shooters tend to spend most of their time at it teaching newbies.
Bring money. By tradition you are expected to buy the ammo. ;-)
@Sam Hallerman –
And email me at! I need your email address to coordinate everything. All the rest of you, email me also, please.
I’m looking at you, WCC! :-D
@John D. Bell:
When I was on the Board of Directors, I got that stupid nonsense Changed, dammit! It was one of my main goals (besides addressing the systematic rot with the BoD at the time).
Who approved going back to the old language? Demand to find out who approved the change back. If nobody did, go to the BoD (If Steve Gutterman or Chuck Childs are still on the Board, they should have records and recollection) and get them to put their foot (feet?) down on this issue.
>I got that stupid nonsense Changed, dammit!
To what?
@Garrett –
Email me privately, please, and we’ll discuss. J D B (at) s y s t e m s a r t i s a n s (dot) c o m (elide the spaces and interpolate the punctuation)
“To what?”
Something reasonable.
I do plan on being there, at least for a bit. Or perhaps Orvan will need to be there… we’ll see.
Are there going to be any attendees who happen to be motorcyclists, per chance?
@John D. Bell;
Hi John, just a quick check – did you receive my email?
@WCC – yes, did receive OK. Reply forthcoming this (2014-02-16) evening. – JDB