I’m installing the WordPress IntenseDebate plugin. Commenting may have glitches for an hour or two, after which will have plenty of new features including comment threading and reply by email..
Sex, software, politics, and firearms. Life's simple pleasures…
I’m installing the WordPress IntenseDebate plugin. Commenting may have glitches for an hour or two, after which will have plenty of new features including comment threading and reply by email..
Threading is great :)
there is even an RSS feed :)
So that's why your WordPress suddenly got some Web 2.0 in it. Neat?
By the way, your OpenID login doesn't work:
Sorry! You will not be able to login to this website as it is using an older version of the the OpenID technology. Yahoo! only supports OpenID 2.0 because it is more secure. For more information, check out the OpenID documentation at Yahoo! Developer Network.
That's what I've got when tried to login to IntenseDebate using my OpenID.
Works for me.
This is perfect. Hopefully, intense debate is able to sort their openid issues.
Looks nice, too bad IntenseDebate is having problems with openid. Another password to remember. (Sigh.)
Well, I did not login at all to post .. I just have to deal with a slight lag in my comment appearing. However, yeah, when debating .. that is going to be annoying. Oh well, off to register :)
Nice. Let's see if the OpenID thing works.
Although man has resistance towards new technology and apparently I've been categorized as one, I like the new commenting system. At least it looks much better and graphically enhanced. Especially the 'comment vote' is a useful feature. Well,.. I guess I should take some time to learn the ins and outs of it.
Good Luck!
Alas, OpenID has security weaknesses and may prove vulnerable to phishing attacks [1]. I won't use an OpenID to comment here because of some security issues I may face later (not only am I a bit too conservative, but also don't forget the shitty third-world country where I live and the possible threats coming out of "severe Internet monitoring/spying"). But as long as non-user comments are possible, I will happily press on.
this ain't gonna work, it turns out. all the commnets are posted "1 minute ago". funny.
Threading? Excellent. Unthreaded discussions are vulnerable to threadjacking and interleaved conversations, and it bugs me to no end that even folks with very, very active comment sections use them.
Seventy threaded comments are easy to wrap one’s head around. Seventy unthreaded comments are a pain to wade through.
Excellent. I expect this will make the debate at least 5.2% more intense.
in soviet russia, comment threadjacks you.
“OpenID has security weaknesses and may prove vulnerable to phishing attacks”
It MAY prove vulnerable. Indeed, unless the spies can penetrate into Eric S. Raymond’s territory (unlikely) it’s safe, why not?
Links to replies sent via e-mail do not work for me, for instance:
Either the entire thread has been nuked, or the plug in is not working correctly.
Dammit, I really wanted to reply to that one :)
And in Soviet Russia, thread jacks YOU!
Wait, that sounded really wrong…
Is there a way to switch between threaded and simple? Such, as to check up what new comments were written in a post since the last time I checked it?
Threaded has the advantage of making sense of 100 comments. Unthreaded has the advantage of checking up on the last N comments.
dear lord. within a single post of "web 2.0" (big whoop) explicit features being installed, we're a hair's breadth from
"first post!"
go go gadget slashdot (RIP)
(i have no idea how i've been able to post here before without a little picture next to each previous commenter's name.)
the advantage of not facilitating brainless knee-jerking, is that posters need to grok what was written. implicit single-thread-only posts are effortlessly posted by explicitly referencing only that thread's posts. multi-thread posts are as easy as referencing multiple threads. and related threads can be discussed in re-aggregation. but to do so requires that the poster themselves take responsibility for lifting the thread out of the stream. requiring more application of brain.
so despite apparent threadlessness, pure sequential posting actually encourages more-considered contributions on each thread.
there's chatter. and there's discussion.
thing i liked about your site, eric, was that it was heavy on discussion. high signal-to-noise.
chatter i can get anywhere else. BIFF is everywhere..
I also tried Intense Debate, but some reader feedback, coupled with my own observations, convinced me to retire it after only 24 hours. Perhaps I could have worked with the developers, but I don’t think I could have worked around my discomfort with how it affected my site’s overall look and fee. valutahandel