ciabot for git version 3.5 is released

I shipped an updated version of the ciabot hook scripts for git to the git maintainers this morning.

The cool new thing in this release is that the script no longer needs to be modified for installation as a hook. You can install one copy where any number of git repositories can see it; when it’s run it will collect the information it needs either by autoconfiguring or by looking at variables set in each project’s .git/config file.

UPDATE: Once I started looking at the code…I found a way to make it completely self-configuring in the normal case. So I’ve shipped 3.6. This will be helpful for forge sites like Savannah, because it means they’ll be able to install one standard git hook that Just Works.


  1. [ first comment over 24 hours after post ]

    UPDATE: Once I started looking at the code…I found a way to make it completely self-configuring in the normal case….. that Just Works.

    UPDATE: Once I started looking at the post… I found a way to read it completely self-explanatory in the normal case… that Just Works.


  2. Man…. In this wonderful time in the history of freedom in the USA…

    If cia is pronounced “see-ah”, all is fine, but if it is See-Eye-A… particularly with some sort of southern accent…

    If some guy mentions over the phone that the:

    “C.I.A. bot hook hack is ready fo git – mo than ah expected to do…

    someone will:

    ready a room at the hotel Guantanamo… such a lovely place…

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