Male-bashing kills children

Listen. This news story (which I meant to blog about two years ago) is the sound of cultural suicide happening…

A bricklayer who passed a toddler walking alone in a village shortly before her fatal fall into a pond said yesterday he did not stop to help in case people thought he was trying to abduct her.

Ideas have consequences. Toxic ideas have toxic consequences. Feminism’s toxic idea that all men are barely restrained sexual predators killed that little girl. This probably wasn’t the first time it happened, and almost certainly won’t be the last.

I think this is worth blogging about, even two years after the fact, because it’s another indicator of a huge and horrible thing that Western culture has been doing to men for most of my lifetime. Men are designed to protect women and children, specialized for it; in a very basic biological sense it’s what we’re for. But the modern West bombards men with the message that their specialty isn’t needed, isn’t wanted, and that they’re assumed to want to prey on and abuse women and children.

Is it any wonder, then, that young men are increasingly opting out of college, that the percentage of adult males never married is also rising, and that in the 21st century many men seem to want to opt out of responsibility altogether? When our instititions equate feminization with virtue and masculinity with evil, this is exactly the outcome we should expect.

And it kills children. It kills children.

If I were a praying sort, I’d pray that Scottish bricklayer’s warning cry has not come too late.

Categorized as Culture


  1. The big comment history deletion was a finger error on my part. I posted about it.

    I don’t delete anyone’s comments deliberately unless they’re content-free abuse. That doesn’t happen often, and I think I’d remember your name if you’d been guilty of it. So I’m not sure what happened — most likely I just fumble-fingered something. Sorry about the mess.

  2. What does this have to do with male-bashing? Sounds like the guy did not help the child because he was an idiot. Isn’t he responsible for his own actions/inactions, not anybody else?

    As for this comment:

    “But the modern West bombards men with the message that their specialty isn’t needed, isn’t wanted, and that they’re assumed to want to prey on and abuse women and children.”

    Say what? That’s utter nonsense. the “modern West” (whatever that is) is not a sentient entity, and is therefore incapable of sending any messages. Furthermore, I live in “the modern West” and around me, I don’t see men being assumed to be predators, and I see most men being valued for their abilities.


    “When our instititions equate feminization with virtue and masculinity with evil, this is exactly the outcome we should expect.”

    Since when did our institutions ever do that? Just wondering where you get these odd ideas from. Again, where I live, men are highly praised as sports stars, rock stars and businessmen. Women are frequently just seen as sex objects or spouses. Of course, it’s not that polar either. Both sexes are regularly praised for their virtues.

    One need only look at the recent attitudes towards Hillary Clinton to see that women are not universally praised. She was widely attacked in the media just for showing “female” traits.

  3. While this article goes a little overboard with its apocalyptic language, Eric does have a point. There are established philosophies with many supporters in the Western world who go out of their way to decry that the traditional role of a male as a protector and a provider is outdated and useless in the modern world. You also see men constantly ridiculed in the media. On TV shows and especially commercials, in family situations, men are portrayed as dumb, forgetful, immature, and as having one track minds while women are always the clever, smart organized ones.
    Of course, part of the reason many men (at least good ones) need women is have someone to protect, provide for and serve. It’s part of an inborn ‘Quest’ instinct that a lot of men are born with. We want to go out in the world, acquire resources for our family and tribe (however you define your tribe) and protect them from threats. Maybe not all men are born with this, but most are, and it’s a good thing.
    You take this away from us, then bombard us with commercials that portray marriage as a partnership between a dumb, immature guy and a clever, smart, nagging women and end result is this attitude: “Screw that, I’m obviously not appreciated or wanted as a protector and provider, I might as well avoid serious relationships, have sex with as many women as I can and play video games .”
    Liberal elites in the media can usher in a new golden age of absolute gender equality all they want, but any society that ignores (instead of deals with) biological, evolutionary imperatives, will eventually fall apart. The tragic thing about that is that when it happens, the good often gets thrown out with the bad, technology retrogresses and you end up with some primitive and repressive social institutions. This is why too much idealism, too fast and misplaced without and understanding of the consequences is not always a good thing.

  4. The responsibility for the child’s death lies firstly and firmly with her parents, secondarily with the person who kept his pool unprotected, and not at all with J. Random Bystander. (If he had tried to save her and botched it, that would be another matter.)

    Save the blame for the people who deserve it.

  5. I found myself in a similar situation recently. No one died, but I was almost arrested for chasing a little girl. sorry if this is a bit long,

    I had a day off and went to the mall to grab some lunch and buy a pair of jeans. After I had lunch I was just sort of walking around and saw this little girl walking through the mall alone. She couldn’t have been more than 5 years old. I walked up to her and asked “where’s your mommy?”, and she just giggled and ran a few feet away. I asked again, and same thing. When I saw it was going nowhere I walked into the store near me and asked the people at the counter to call security and described the girl.

    The girl at the counter made the call, and the guy that was there and I started walking in the direction the girl went. He decided to double back to see if anyone was looking for the girl while I continued looking for her. When I found her she still wouldn’t talk to me. Just as I caught up with her security rounded the corner to see a 30 year old man kneeling down in an alcove wuh her. They detained me and treated me like a criminal.

    It was only when the other guy, who had found the girl’s mother, approached and confirmed what I told them, that they believed me. If I hadn’t had the foresight to go into the store, it is very likely I would have been arrested. It’s very sad, but I understand completely what was going through the guy’s mind when he decided not to stop.

  6. Harvard, you’re either a woman or a very ignorant man.

    Brad, I feel for you. It looks like you got a wake up call.
    I’ve had 2 experiences and they both really stand out in my mind because my reaction to them was so unnatural. The first was when I saw a 3-4 year old kid looking lost wandering around on the sidewalk in an otherwise empty neighborhood street. I didn’t even consider approaching. I thought about going up to one of the houses and knocking but decided against it just because the potential suspicion I’d have to deal with considering what people are programmed to believe these days. I’m too low on the social scale (and look it) to defend myself effectively if some nut wants to point the finger at me. I had learned to steer clear of kids who are not my own or a close friend’s while I was a step parent of 2 boys.(a proud step parent!)
    The 2nd was a kid a little younger who wandered into the street and I saw no one else around accept moving cars. I flagged down a van with 2 woman in it and kept pointing at the kid since they couldn’t hear me over the traffic. It was hard to get their attention on to the kid and off me at first. 20 plus years ago my reaction would have been much different and automatic but times have changed. I’ve seen too many guys paying the price for ignoring that.
    I know for a fact after raising my step kids that I’d jump without thinking of my safety if a kid was in mortal danger but one foot short of that I look out for myself first. I think it’s f**ked up and sad that woman and kids are far LESS safe now because of the villification of men in the last 30 years. It’s ingrained now that we’ve had a whole generation wheened on those sick attitudes. That first kid was 10 years ago and it’s as fresh to me as yesterday. I’m sure it’s not the last time for me and I KNOW many other men make those same small but potentially huge decisons every day.
    Brad, I suggest you think through how you will react next time you’re needed but DON’T have whitnesses. If you get arrested for doing the right thing, that arrest takes on life of it’s own and sometimes all the money in the world won’t slow that train.
    Congradulations ladies, we all lose.

  7. I’ve always lived around kids, my own and other partners over the years.
    Never, never, never again ….. they are own their own as far as I’m concerned.
    Children today are totally selfish, irresponsible and think nothing of manipulating situations just to get their own way.

    After all, they are bombarded with “helpful” organisations and they know how to use them to their own advantage ….

    It seems the time has come to look after No1 and that’s it !!

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